the change
Be the Change is our kids fundraising campaign. Here is what you need to know to get started!
Our fundraising jars are a fun way for the kids to collect donations and promote the campaign. If you would like a jar please email info@beyondbatten.org and let us know how many jars you want and where to ship them. We will also include a packet of supporting materials to better explain the mission of the Be Project and our mission.
Be the Change Chair: Courtney Houston courtneyhouston@me.com

Let your kids get creative! Host a neighborhood lemonade stand, send a letter out to friends and family, or host a gathering!
FUNdraising Ideas!
- Performance art – go to a local park or crowded area and “busk” – defined as performing in a public place for tips. Can’t sing? Do magic tricks or recite poetry.
- Cycle-a-thon – head to the Veloway and spend the afternoon biking. Get some sponsors to pay you for every lap you bike.
- Silly games day – grab some friends and arrange a fun day in the park with various games, such as an egg and spoon walk, pin the tail on the donkey, homerun derby, tug of war, etc. Charge kids to come play in the games.
- Garage sale – proceeds go to BBDF
- Services – offer your neighbors to walk their dogs, wash their cars, wash their windows, mow their lawn, babysit, take the garbage cans in and out, etc. for donations.
- Read-a-thon – you get the idea. $$ per page or per book.
- Movie night – in your house or backyard, show an old classic and charge an entrance fee, but the popcorn is free!
- Ask – 10 people for a $10 donation in one day.
- Use social media and email – create your own personal fundraising page at and tell the world about your fundraising efforts.
- Bowling night – secure pledges for number of pins that get knock down.
- Group babysitting – 3 hours one night host a group of young kids, they can eat, play games and watch watch a movie while mom and dad have a night out.
We ask that when returning your donations to BBDF, please do a final count of all cash and coins. If you have collected check donations you may send those in separately and we will mail a tax receipt to those donors. If any of your cash donors would like a tax receipt, please include their name, address or email and donation amount.
Please make checks payable to Beyond Batten Disease Foundation. Mail donation to PO Box 50221, Austin, TX 78763 or you can also schedule a drop off at our office. Email us at info@beyondbatten.org to schedule.